The Role of Third Party Intermediaries (TPIs) in the GB SME and Microbusiness Energy Supply Sector
This new piece of research commissioned by Citizens Advice looks into [The Role of Third Party Intermediaries (TPIs) in the GB SME and Microbusiness Energy Supply Sector]. The report is an update of Cornwall Insight’s original findings from a study in 2010-11. The new research includes interviews with participants in the energy sector, gauging their views on the role of TPIs in the current market, the behaviour of TPIs, the potential need for regulation of the sector and the form that this regulation could take.
Recommendations from the report include:
Some form of mandatory TPI regulation or code of conduct to improve wider confidence in the sector for suppliers and customers alike:
Lessons could be learnt from other sectors such as financial services,
Existing voluntary codes of conduct could be used as a basis for regulation.
Regulation would need to be proportional to the sector of the market - i.e. microbusinesses requiring more prescriptive regulation than I&C customers.
Improved transparency on commission levels, their source, and the nature of the services being provided by TPIs would represent an immediate gain for customers.
Although risks exist which may render this impractical.
Verification or confidence calls between the customer and the supplier upon the agreement of a new contract.
A need for wider information and education for the microbusiness/SME sector as a whole.