Getting help from social services if you're homeless

This advice applies to Wales. See advice for See advice for England, See advice for Northern Ireland, See advice for Scotland

Social services might be able to find you somewhere to live if you're homeless and any of the following apply:

  • you're 16 or 17 years old and you don't have family you can live with

  • you're responsible for a child who normally lives with you

  • you're ill, disabled or have mental health needs

  • you’re 18 to 25 years old and you used to live in care

If you’re 16 or 17 years old, you can ask social services for help straight away.

If you're over 18 years old, you'll usually need to ask your local council's housing department for help before trying to get help from social services. Check how to make a homeless application to the housing department.

You can ask social services for help if the housing department decides they won’t house you - this is usually because they think you’re intentionally homeless.

If you’re an adult who used to live in care

Social services can help you if any of the following apply:

  • you’re 18 to 20 years old and you were in care when you were 16 or 17 years old

  • you’re 21 to 25 years old, you’re in education or training, and you were in care when you were 16 or 17 years old

You don’t have to ask the housing department for help first if you’re studying at university.

If social services won’t house you, it’s worth applying to your local council’s housing department. If you’re under 21 years old you’ll automatically be in ‘priority need’. Check how to make a homeless application to the housing department.

If you’re having trouble with social services

You might need to get help from a solicitor. You might be able to get legal aid - this means you won’t have to pay for legal advice. You can find legal aid solicitors on GOV.UK. They’ll check if you’re able to get legal aid.

It’s worth looking for solicitors in the categories ‘Housing’, ‘Family’, ‘Community care’ and ‘Public law’. You’ll need to check the websites of the law firms to see if they can help people who used to live in care, and you might need to contact them and ask them.

If you’re not a British citizen

If you’ve been rough sleeping your right to stay in the UK might be affected.

Rough sleeping is sleeping outside overnight. It doesn’t include staying with friends or family members, even if you can only stay there temporarily.

If you’re applying to the EU Settlement Scheme your application cannot be turned down because of rough sleeping. Talk to an adviser if you’re worried rough sleeping might affect your immigration status.

If you don’t have a right to be in the UK

If you ask social services for help, they will tell the Home Office if you’re in the UK illegally. This includes if you never had permission to enter the UK.

If you had a visa but it ended, the rules depend on whether you applied to change or extend your visa before it ended.

If you applied before your visa ended and you’re waiting for a decision, you’re still in the UK legally.

If you didn’t apply to change or extend your visa on time, you’re in the UK illegally.

Check your options if you’re in the UK illegally.

Find out what help you can get

Social services have to look into your situation to work out your needs and how they might be able to help you. This is known as carrying out a ‘needs assessment’.

The help you might get from social services will depend on your circumstances.

If you're 16 or 17 and you don’t have family you can live with

Social services have to find somewhere for you to live. They might offer you housing in:

  • a residential foster home

  • a family arranged foster home - for example, living with relatives where social services oversee your care

  • supported housing

Your rent and living costs such as food and clothing will be paid by social services. You’II usually be given help until you’re 18.

If social services say they won’t help you, talk to an adviser.

If you have children

Social services have to find somewhere for you and your children to live. They might offer you private rented housing - or bed and breakfast accommodation if there’s nowhere else available.

If social services won’t find somewhere for you and your children to live, talk to an adviser.

If you're ill or disabled

Social services must assess what care and support needs you have if you're homeless. They must check if they can help you with housing as part of meeting your needs. Your needs must have a significant impact on you.

Care and support needs can include needing help with things like:

  • getting out of bed

  • washing

  • dressing

  • cooking and eating

You should explain to social services how your care and support needs can only be met by getting help with housing. For example, you wouldn't be able to cook a meal and eat without having a home.

If social services can help you with housing you could be offered:

  • a place in a care home or supported housing

  • financial help to get care and support at home

  • help to stay in the community

Applying for help from social services

You should call your local councils’ social services department - find your local council on GOV.UK. Explain your circumstances and ask them to assess your need or your family’s need for housing. Make sure you tell them that you’re homeless. If you have health problems explain how they affect you.

You don’t need to apply for help if you’ve been referred to social services by the council. But it’s still worth checking that they’II do a needs assessment.

Preparing for your needs assessment

Your assessment must be done in a suitable way for your circumstances and your child’s if you’ve asked for their needs to be assessed. For example, it can be done by:

  • completing a form

  • a telephone interview

  • having a face-to-face meeting with a social worker

Get evidence of your situation or child’s if their needs are being assessed. You’II need to send the information to your local council’s social services office or take it to the assessment, if possible. You could, for example, get a letter from your doctor or support worker to explain how not getting housing will affect you and your household.

You can send evidence to your local social services office after the assessment if you can’t get it before.

Social services will usually also ask your doctor and other people who know you about your needs or your child’s, if you agree.

There’s no deadline for social services to do a needs assessment if you’re an adult, but they should give you an idea of how long it will take.

If you need an assessment for your child or you’re 16 or 17 and need one, it should be done in 45 working days of you making a request. If social services don’t meet the deadline they must explain why.  

After the assessment you’II get a written decision saying if social services can give you housing.

If the housing you’re offered is unsuitable

Explain to social services why you think it’s unsuitable and ask for alternative accommodation.

Give them any evidence to support your case, for example a letter from your doctor explaining that the property will be harmful to your health.

If social services won’t give you somewhere else to stay, you can challenge the decision.

Challenging a decision by social services

Social services must give you a clear reason for their decision.

If you disagree with their decision you can complain by following your local council's complaints procedure. Find your local council on GOV.UK.

If you’re still not happy with social services response

You can take further action by complaining to the Public Services Ombudsman. Check how to complain to the Public Services Ombudsman on their website. Social services are a type of ‘public service provider’.

You might also be able to take legal action in certain cases where making a complaint wouldn’t be appropriate. For example, if you’re a homeless 16 or 17 old and social services refused to help without good reason.

You might need to get help from a solicitor to take legal action. You might be able to get legal aid - this means you won’t have to pay for legal advice. You can find legal aid solicitors on GOV.UK. They’ll check if you’re able to get legal aid.

It’s worth looking for solicitors in the categories ‘Housing’, ‘Community care’ and ‘Public law’. You’ll need to check the websites of the law firms to see if they can help people who used to live in care, and you might need to contact them and ask them.

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Page last reviewed on 29 January 2024