How much should you get - direct payments for care
This advice applies to Wales. See advice for See advice for England, See advice for Northern Ireland, See advice for Scotland
You might be able to have direct payments, which allow you to arrange your own care instead of having a care package arranged by the local authority.
What the payment covers
A direct payment must be high enough to cover the reasonable cost of buying services that the local authority has a duty to provide to meet your needs.
In addition to the actual cost of the service, the direct payment must include any associated costs which you have to pay. For example, if you employ your own carer, you will have to pay for:
recruiting the carer
national insurance
statutory holiday pay
sick pay
maternity pay
employers’ liability insurance
public liability insurance
Contributing to costs
Whether you have services provided by the local authority (LA) or direct payments, you may have to pay towards the costs. The LA will work out your contribution. If you have direct payments, the LA will either deduct the amount of your contribution before the direct payment is made, or will pay the direct payment in full and you will have to refund your contribution.
The most your contribution can be is £100.00 a week.
The amount is wrong
You can dispute the LA's decision for either (or both) of the following reasons:
your direct payments are not enough to buy services to meet your needs
you are being asked to contribute too much.
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