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Citizens Advice Scotland
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Debt and money
Law and courts
More from us
Living together, marriage and civil partnership
Getting married
Living together and opposite-sex marriage: legal differences
Living together and same-sex marriage: legal differences
Registering a civil partnership
Living together and civil partnership: legal differences
Relationship problems
Deciding whether to end a marriage or civil partnership
Separating in a marriage or civil partnership
Getting divorced
Ending a civil partnership
Ending a relationship when you're living together
Help in the community
Social care services you could get
How to get social care services
Carers: help and support
Making a complaint about social work or social care services
Protection of adults at risk of harm
Managing affairs for someone else
Free personal and nursing care
Disability organisations
Death and wills
Arranging a funeral
Complaining about a funeral
What to do after a death
What to do if someone dies abroad
Dealing with the affairs of someone who has died
Birth certificates and changing your name
Birth certificates
Changing your name
Children, young people and parenting
Child maintenance
Children who need local authority services
Children who are looked after by the local authority
Adopting a child
Tracing your birth parents
Kinship care
Young people and family
Child abuse
Child abuse: useful organisations
Expecting a baby
Other resources
What to bring to a bureau
School and pre-school education
Overview of discrimination in education
Further and higher education
Support for learning