Problems with public water quality and supply

This advice applies to Scotland. See advice for See advice for England, See advice for Northern Ireland, See advice for Wales

Scottish Water is responsible for making sure that drinking water from the public water supply meets certain standards.

You can read about the service standards, code of practice and customer charter on the Scottish Water website.

It's the job of the Drinking Water Quality Regulator (DWQR) to make sure that water is always at the required quality. If Scottish Water fails to keep the quality at the required standard, the DWQR can take action.

You can find further independent advice about water quality on the DWQR website.

If there's a problem with your public water supply

If you’re worried about your public water supply and its quality then you should contact Scottish Water.

You can report the problem through the online portal on the Scottish Water website.

Contaminated water

If you're worried that your water supply is contaminated, for example because it looks, smells or tastes unusual, you must get in touch with Scottish Water so they can take samples and investigate. 

Scottish Water carries out tests on water to demonstrate that it's safe and meets the required standard. Information about water quality in your area is available on the Scottish Water website

If you've been having problems with contaminated water for a while, for example because there was flooding and the supply was disrupted, you might find a local campaign group helpful. Your local council's environmental health department can provide information about progress on local problems.

If you can't use your water for more than 13 hours because of contamination, you can ask Scottish Water for an alternative supply.

Don't drink any water that you're unsure of. If you're concerned about your water, boil it and buy bottled water for drinking. 

Check with your doctor if your health is affected and check with Scottish Water to see if they've issued a public notice regarding your local water supplies. They may already be supplying bottled water to your area.

If you think you've been made ill by contaminated water and you want to sue for negligence, you'll need legal advice about taking action for a personal injury.

Lead in water

Lead doesn't occur naturally in significant concentrations in Scotland's water supplies. The problem arises when drinking water comes into contact with lead supply pipes, lead tanks, lead solder joints on copper pipes or low-quality brass fittings and taps. This can result in high lead levels.

You can read about the health effects of exposure to lead on the NHS inform website.

Some old properties still have lead tanks, and a few have lead pipes. If you're worried about lead in your water supply, you can get the water checked by your local council's environmental health department.

If there's lead piping in the property and it's your responsibility, you may have to replace it.

You might be eligible for a grant or loan from your local council through their scheme of assistance.

If there's too much lead in your water and it's in the piping from the boundary of your property to the public water main, this is the responsibility of Scottish Water and they will have to replace the piping.

Water hardness

The hardness of water in the public supply is due to the amount of calcium and magnesium salts in the water. The public supply from Scottish Water is usually described as soft water.

Water hardness is important because it's more difficult to make a good lather from soap in hard water. Tap water, whether hard or soft, is fine to drink. 

In hard water areas, limescale can build up on kettles and some appliances like dishwashers. This can be treated with anti-limescale products.

If you're worried about the hardness of your water from the public supply, you should contact Scottish Water.

Fluoride in water

In some areas, fluoride may be added to the water supply to improve dental health.

It's normally the local health board that asks for this to be done, but Scottish Water would have to agree. To date, there's no addition of fluoride to water in Scotland.

Making a complaint

If you're unhappy with the way Scottish Water handled your concerns about water quality, you can make a complaint.

Interruptions to the public water supply

Sometimes the water supply to your home has to be turned off. Interruptions can be planned or unplanned.

Planned interruption

If the interruption of the water supply has been planned by Scottish Water and will mean that water is turned off for 4 hours or more, you should be told at least 48 hours in advance. 

Scottish Water might send you a letter or have a news item in the press or on TV to let you know.

Unplanned interruption

Your water supply might have to be turned off because of an emergency.

Scottish Water must provide you with an alternative supply if the water is off for 12 hours or more.

Compensation claims for interrupted supply

If Scottish Water fails to let you know about the interruption to your supply, you might be entitled to compensation.

This might be paid automatically or you might have to submit a complaint.

Hosepipe bans

If Scottish Water is worried that the main reservoirs are low, it can impose a hosepipe ban to make sure that the domestic water supply doesn't run out. 

A hosepipe ban doesn't mean that you can't use water to water the garden or wash your car. It means that you shouldn't leave your sprinkler on, as this could waste water.

If you ignore a hosepipe ban once, you're likely to get a warning. However, if you carry on ignoring it, you can be charged with an offence and fined up to £1,000.

Water pressure

If you're unhappy with your water pressure, Scottish Water can test what's happening to your water flow. 

If your water pressure is low, you might be put on a low pressure register. You’ll be entitled to a rebate of your water charge from Scottish Water for as long as you're on the register.

You can raise an issue about water pressure through the online portal on the Scottish Water website.

Extra help for disabled people

You should contact Scottish Water and ask to be added to their 'priority services' register - for example if you’re on dialysis or using a feeding pump.

You could also get priority services if you:

  • are disabled or use medical equipment reliant on water

  • are over 60 years old

  • live with children under 5 years old

  • have mental health problems

  • are deaf or hearing impaired or have a visual impairment

  • temporarily need extra support.

You can find out more about priority services on the Priority Services Register in Scotland website.