Get emotional support if you’ve been scammed

This advice applies to Scotland. See advice for See advice for England, See advice for Northern Ireland, See advice for Wales

If you're stressed or worried because of a scam, you can talk to someone from these organisations.

Victim Support Scotland

You can get free, confidential help from Victim Support Scotland if you've been affected by a scam.

You can:

Cyber and Fraud Hub

If you have been the victim of an online scam, fraud or other cyber crime, you can contact the Cyber and Fraud Hub charity for support.

The charity offers:

  • Reporting and legal guidance

  • Emotional and practical support

  • Help to recover your funds

  • Education on avoiding cyber fraud and online scams

Contact the Cyber and Fraud Hub charity

If you have been the victim of an online scam, fraud or other cyber crime, you can contact the Cyber and Fraud Hub for support.

The charity offers:

  • Reporting and legal guidance

  • Emotional and practical support

  • Help to recover your funds

  • Education on avoiding cyber fraud and online scams

Cyber and Fraud Hub incident response helpline

Freephone: 0808 281 3580


The Samaritans

If you're having a hard time and want to talk to someone, you can get in touch with the Samaritans. Their helpline is open 24 hours a day, every day of the year.

You can:

You can also find a branch of the Samaritans near you if you'd like to speak to someone in person.

Page last reviewed on 11 June 2019