Check if something might be a scam

This advice applies to Scotland. See advice for See advice for England, See advice for Northern Ireland, See advice for Wales

Scams can be difficult to recognise, but there are things you can look out for.

If you’ve seen something online or in an email or text

You can use our online tool to get advice. Our tool will ask you questions and use your answers to give you advice on:

  • how to check whether something is a scam

  • what to do if you've been scammed

Recognising a scam

It might be a scam if:

  • it seems too good to be true – for example, a holiday that’s much cheaper than you’d expect 

  • someone you don’t know contacts you unexpectedly

  • you suspect you’re not dealing with a real company – for example, if there’s no postal address

  • you’ve been asked to transfer money quickly

  • you've been asked to pay in an unusual way – for example, by iTunes vouchers or through a transfer service like MoneyGram or Western Union

  • you’ve been asked to give away personal information like passwords or PINs

  • you haven't had written confirmation of what's been agreed

If you get a message that asks you to pay to get the parcel or reschedule the delivery, it’s usually a scam. Don’t click any links in the text or email. Delivery companies won’t ask you to pay them through a link in an email or text.

If you think you’ve paid too much for something

Paying more for something than you think it’s worth isn’t the same as being scammed. Usually, a scam will involve theft or fraud.

You have other rights if you think you’ve overpaid.

If you think you’ve spotted a scam

If you’ve given away money or information because of a scam, there are things you should do. Check what to do if you’ve been scammed.

If you haven’t been scammed but you’ve seen something you think is a scam, you should report it. Find out how to report a scam.

If you think someone is calling to trick you into giving them money or your personal details, hang up and call 159. This is a secure service that connects you directly with your bank.

Calls to 159 are usually charged at the national rate - it depends on your provider.

Check if your bank uses 159 on the Stop Scams UK website.

Protecting yourself online

There are things you can do to protect yourself from being scammed online.

Check the signs of fake online shops

You can search for a company's details on GOV.UK. This will tell you if they're a registered company or not.

If you’re buying something on a site you haven't used before, spend a few minutes checking it – start by finding its terms and conditions. The company’s address should have a street name, not just a post office box.

Check to see what people have said about the company. It’s worth looking for reviews on different websites – don’t rely on reviews the company has put on its own website.

Also, don’t rely on seeing a padlock in the address bar of your browser - this doesn’t guarantee you’re buying from a real company.

Don’t click on or download anything you don’t trust

Don’t click on or download anything you don’t trust - for example, if you get an email from a company with a strange email address. Doing this could infect your computer with a virus.

Make sure your antivirus software is up to date to give you more protection.

Be careful about giving personal information away

Some scammers try to get your personal information – for example, the name of your primary school or your National Insurance number. They can use this information to hack your accounts. If you come across sites that ask for this type of information without an obvious reason, check they’re legitimate.

Check if your details have been shared online

Sometimes your log-in details can be made publicly available when a website is hacked. This means that someone could use your details in a scam. Check whether your accounts have been put at risk on Have I Been Pwned.

Make your online accounts secure

Make sure you have a strong password for your email accounts that you don't use anywhere else. If you’re worried about remembering lots of different passwords, you can use a password manager.

Some websites let you add a second step when you log in to your account – this is known as ‘two-factor authentication’. This makes it harder for scammers to access your accounts.

Find out how to set up two-factor authentication across services like Gmail, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Outlook and iTunes on the on the National Cyber Security Centre website.

Pay by debit or credit card

Pay by card to get extra protection if things go wrong. Read our advice on getting your money back after you’ve been scammed.

Know how your bank operates

Check your bank’s website to see how your bank will and won’t communicate with you. For example, find out what type of security questions they’ll ask if they phone you.

Make sure the account you’re paying has the right name

When you pay a business or person online for the first time, your bank or building society will check the details you use. They’ll tell you if the name of the account holder is the same as the one you've used.

If the names are similar but not exactly the same

You should only make the payment if you’re sure the account belongs to the right person or business.

If the names are completely different

Don’t make the payment unless you’ve checked the account details and you’re sure they’re correct. A scammer might have sent you a fake invoice or bill. 

If the sender has given you a reason why the names are different or says it’s urgent, you should still check before making the payment. They shouldn’t put pressure on you to pay straight away if they’re genuine.

If you make the payment without checking and it’s a scam, you might not get your money back.

Contact the person or organisation to check their details

It’s best to do this by calling them on a trusted number - for example, the one on their website. If there’s a different number on the bill or invoice, don’t use it. 

If you got the invoice or bill by email or text, be careful. Don't reply to the email or text to check the details, unless you're sure it's from the right person or business.

If the person or business confirms their account details and you decide to make the payment, it’s a good idea to start by transferring £1. You should check it went to the right account before you pay the rest.

Page last reviewed on 30 May 2019