Impact of our Financial Skills for life work
Financial capability evaluation framework
We are currently developing a framework for evaluating our clients’ financial capability. As part of this we are doing in-depth research to develop robust measures and indicators that are appropriate for the profile of our clients and the nature of the services that we deliver. So far we have completed the following:
Literature review going over all the latest developments from a policy, conceptual, and practice perspective, in relation to financial capability in the UK
In-depth research paper gathering all the evidence on how different personal characteristics and environmental influences can have an impact on your financial capability
Next steps will include developing theories of change for improving financial capability for each of our relevant services and gaining feedback from local Citizens Advice centres and our clients on the areas and questions to use to evaluate financial capability.
To find out more about this research project, please contact Satdeep Grewal in the Impact and Evaluation Team:
Assessing the impact of our work
We have been determined to assess the impact of our work, and learn from experience. Independent evaluations of financial education initiatives, by local Citizens Advice and forum members over the last ten years, have all been positive. They show that our work makes a direct and positive difference to people's lives. After attending local Citizens Advice sessions participants were found to be:
better equipped to head off potential debt problems
more aware of government entitlements and sources of help, improving their access to housing and training opportunities
more willing to try new financial services.
(source: ECOTEC Research and Consulting)
For further information see our publications and evaluation reports below.
Publications and evaluation reports
Financial Skills for Life publications
Financial skills for life - helping people manage their money 2014
Financial capability and Citizens Advice: reach and impact 2013, 2013
Financial skills for life 2002-12: from small change to lasting change, 2012
MoneyActive: volunteers helping people to take control of their money, 2012
Financial skills for life: building financially capable communities, 2009
Added interest: research into the role and needs of CAB working in schools evaluation, 2006. Executive summary also available.
Evaluation and research reports content
Citizens Advice financial capability literature review, 2015
Citizens Advice, mapping our financial capability services 999 KB , 2015
Citizens Advice research paper: developing a theory of change for financial capability, 2015
Quids in: the impact of financial skills training for social housing tenants, 2012
Energy Best Deal evaluation report, 2013 to 2014
Energy Best Deal evaluation report annex, 2013 to 2014
East of England financial capability and inclusion evaluation, 2011
Energy Best Deal review brochure, 2013-14
Citizens Advice national financial capability project evaluation, 2006