Advice trends in Wales 2015-2016 - annual report
The annual advice trends report [ 0.79 mb] for 2015 to 2016 includes a focus on our specialist discrimination service Front Line Advice. During 2015 to 2016, the Citizens Advice service in Wales helped 108,070 people with more than 416,075 problems, a 2% increase in people accessing our service compared to 2014 to 2015.
Dyma’r adroddiad tueddiadau cyngor [ 0.75 mb] blynyddol ar gyfer 2015 i 2016, ac mae’n cynnwys pwyslais ar ein gwasanaeth gwahaniaethu arbenigol, Cynghori Rheng Flaen. Yn ystod 2015 i 2016, fe wnaeth gwasanaeth Cyngor ar Bopeth Cymru helpu 108,070 o bobl gyda dros 416,075 o broblemau, sef 2% yn fwy o bobl a ddefnyddiodd ein gwasanaeth.