NHS Lancashire - CBT





Sut i gael cefnogaeth

Ffoniwch ni


Ymweld â ni yn bersonol

Gwiriwch a oes angen i chi drefnu apwyntiad

Bydd angen i chi gysylltu â ni i gael gwybod am yr opsiynau ar gyfer ymweld â'r swyddfa.

Amseroedd agor y swyddfa
Dydd Amser
Dydd Llun 9yb i 5yh
Dydd Mawrth 9yb i 5yh
Dydd Mercher 9yb i 5yh
Dydd Iau 9yb i 5yh
Dydd Gwener 9yb i 5yh


Dylech gysylltu â'r swyddfa i gael gwybodaeth am eu hopsiynau hygyrchedd.

Mwy o wybodaeth am ein gwasanaeth

Clients can self-refer to this service using the phone number above.
CBT is a talking therapy which proves helpful for a range of psychological difficulties and can assist people with their moods, energy levels as well as their general feelings and behaviour.
The NHS in Lancashire are looking for participants to assist them with a study. Participants will receive £20 after their intial assessment alongside £20 after their 4 month follow up, £20 after their 6 month follow up and another £20 after their 12 month review. This is a total of £80.00 altogether. Clients can leave the study at any time and this will not affect their NHS care.

Os na allwch gysylltu â'ch Cyngor ar Bopeth agosaf

Efallai y gallwch siarad â chynghorydd ar-lein neu drwy ein gwasanaeth ffôn cenedlaethol. Gwiriwch ffyrdd eraill y gallwch siarad â chynghorydd..