Lancashire Warm Spaces
N/A - warm spaces run throughout Lancashire so there is no set address.
Sut i gael cefnogaeth
Ewch i'n gwefan
Ymweld â ni yn bersonol
Gwiriwch a oes angen i chi drefnu apwyntiad
Gallwch alw i mewn i'n swyddfa i siarad â rhywun.
Os hoffech chi drefnu apwyntiad ymlaen llaw, cysylltwch â ni i weld a yw hyn yn opsiwn.
Dydd | Amser |
Dydd Llun | 9yb i 5yh |
Dydd Mawrth | 9yb i 5yh |
Dydd Mercher | 9yb i 5yh |
Dydd Iau | 9yb i 5yh |
Dydd Gwener | 9yb i 5yh |
Dylech gysylltu â'r swyddfa i gael gwybodaeth am eu hopsiynau hygyrchedd.
Mwy o wybodaeth am ein gwasanaeth
The nearest warm spaces within the Preston city centre area are as follows. Please visit the Lancashire County Council website for the opening hour details for each warm space:
The Larder, 50-52, Lancaster Road, Preston, Lancashire, PR1 1DD
Preston Climate Emergency Centre, 32 Market Place, Preston, Lancashire, PR1 2AR
ST George's Church, George's Road, Preston, Lancashire, PR1 2NP
Red Rose Recovery, Yoof Zone, 33 Lune Street, Preston, Lancashire, PR1 2NN
Central Methodist Church, 16A Lune Street, Preston, Lancashire, PR1 2NL
All Saints Parish Church, Elizabeth Street, Preston, Lancashire, PR1 2RX
St James Church, Knowsley Street, Preston, Lancashire, PR1 3SA
Foxton Centre, Knowsley Street, Preston, Lancashire, PR1 3SA
Mill Bank Wellbeing Centre, Edmund Street, Preston, Lancashire PR1 1ED
Recovery College, Minerva Health Centre, Lowthorpe Road, Preston, Lancashire, PR1 6SB
Os na allwch gysylltu â'ch Cyngor ar Bopeth agosaf
Efallai y gallwch siarad â chynghorydd ar-lein neu drwy ein gwasanaeth ffôn cenedlaethol. Gwiriwch ffyrdd eraill y gallwch siarad â chynghorydd..