Citizens Advice Portsmouth


Ark Royal House

Winston Churchill Avenue





Sut i gael cefnogaeth

Ffoniwch ni

023 9400 6600

E-bostiwch ni

Ewch i'n gwefan

Cysylltwch dros y ffôn

Amseroedd agor y ffôn
Dydd Amser
Dydd Llun 9yb i 4yh
Dydd Mawrth 9yb i 4yh
Dydd Mercher 9yb i 4yh
Dydd Iau 9yb i 4yh
Dydd Gwener 9yb i 4yh

Ymweld â ni yn bersonol

Please note that the above hours are our reception hours and it does not mean that an adviser will always be available.

Gwiriwch a oes angen i chi drefnu apwyntiad

Gallwch alw i mewn i'n swyddfa i siarad â rhywun.

Os hoffech chi drefnu apwyntiad ymlaen llaw, cysylltwch â ni i weld a yw hyn yn opsiwn.

Amseroedd agor y swyddfa
Dydd Amser
Dydd Llun 10yb i 3yh
Dydd Mawrth 10yb i 3yh
Dydd Mercher 10yb i 3yh
Dydd Iau 10yb i 3yh


  • Dolen sain
  • Mynediad i gadeiriau olwyn
  • Toiled cadair olwyn

Mwy o wybodaeth am ein gwasanaeth

Citizens Advice Portsmouth provides specialist advice to people who live, work or study in Portsmouth. This includes:

* specialist debt & money advice,
*specialist immigration advice (refugee and asylum seekers)
* advice around new claims for Universal Credit including checking eligibility and assisting with applications, as well as advice up to first payment,
* advice for people affected by cancer,
* advice for serving armed forces members and their families,
* advice and advocacy for welfare benefit challenges and appeals,
* advice around energy bills and switching,
* advice for people aged 65 or over.

Unfortunately, Citizens Advice Portsmouth is not able to provide advice in all areas. Where additional advice is required, we will let you know of any other organisations that may be able to help.

Os na allwch gysylltu â'ch Cyngor ar Bopeth agosaf

Efallai y gallwch siarad â chynghorydd ar-lein neu drwy ein gwasanaeth ffôn cenedlaethol. Gwiriwch ffyrdd eraill y gallwch siarad â chynghorydd..