Letter to complain about a holiday
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Use this letter to complain if your package holiday didn't meet the brochure description, or was spoilt by problems like building work or noise.
It should help the holiday company understand your point of view and their legal obligation to sort out the problem.
You can send the letter by post or copy the text into an email. If you’d prefer to talk to the trader on the phone or in person you could read it out to them.
Before you use this template, make sure you read our advice on how to claim compensation for a holiday.
Sam Hoolin
8 Park Avenue
01632 960001
Sunny Getaways
24 Station Road
GT16 3LP
28 Mawrth 2025
Re: Unsatisfactory Holiday at Hotel Balfour, Torrevieja on 12 October 2022 to 19 October 2022
Booking reference: 123456789
To whom it may concern,
I have just returned from a holiday at Hotel Balfour, Torrevieja which was most disappointing.
I went with my wife and two children.
Please find below a list of my complaints:
1) There was no shower in the hotel as specified in the brochure
2) The kitchens were closed for the whole of our stay
3) The hotel was 5 miles from the beach and not 1 mile as it said in the brochure
We contacted your representative at the resort on 22 October 2022, but they were unable to resolve the matter and advised us to complain upon our return home.
Under The Package Travel and Linked Travel Arrangements Regulations 2018 you have a responsibility to provide all the elements of the package contracted for as they were described. We are legally entitled to receive compensation from you for loss of value, consequential losses and for the disappointment and loss of enjoyment we suffered. As you failed to provide us with the holiday we booked we are seeking £150 compensation from you for the problems we encountered, and for the distress and disappointment we suffered as a result.
I have also sent a copy of this letter and enclosure to ABTA (of which I note you are a member).
I look forward to receiving a response from you within 14 days of receipt of this letter.
Yours faithfully,
Sam Hoolin
Further help
Contact the Citizens Advice consumer service if you need more help - a trained adviser can give you advice over the phone or by online chat.
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