Call for evidence: Energy innovation policy

Citizens Advice is beginning a major new research project, investigating how to improve decisions about which energy technologies to back and how to manage financial support.

The demonstration and deployment of new, currently immature energy generation technologies is funded through levies on consumer energy bills. 

The total amount that can be spent is capped by the Levy Control Framework (‘LCF’). 

To date, current and previous governments have tried to use this funding framework to stimulate a wide range of different low carbon generation technologies - an “all of the above” approach that tries to fund all technologies, and rule nothing out.This call for evidence will inform a new report, to be published by Citizens Advice in the second half of 2015.

We intend to develop principles that current and future governments can use to inform their technology choice decisions. Those principles will put value for consumers’ money at the heart of UK climate policy.


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