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Your energy supply
Your energy supply
Struggling to pay your bills
Get help if you’re behind with your energy bills
Grants and benefits to help you pay your energy bills
You can't afford to top up your prepayment meter
Stop your energy supplier moving you to prepayment
Tell your supplier if you need extra support
Help with bills if you use alternative fuels
Your energy meter
How to read your gas or electricity meter
How to read your smart electricity meter
How to read your smart gas meter
Getting a smart meter installed
If you have a radio teleswitch or dynamically teleswitched energy meter
Check if your energy meter isn't working properly
Move your gas or electricity meter
Using your smart meter’s in-home display
Fixing problems with your smart meter’s in-home display
Find the user guide for your smart meter's in-home display
Decide if prepayment is right for you
Switching from prepayment to paying by credit
Save energy at home
Make your home more energy efficient
Get help paying for energy efficiency home improvements
Getting your broken boiler repaired or replaced
Save money heating your home
Using storage heaters and immersion heaters correctly
Compare how much electrical appliances cost to use
Save money using your electrical appliances
Buying a more energy efficient appliance
What does net zero mean for you?
Problems with your energy bill
Check if you’re responsible for paying an energy bill
If you haven’t received an accurate energy bill in a while
Your energy supplier has put its prices up
If your energy supplier has increased your direct debit payments
If you think you’ve been charged too much for your energy
Get a better energy deal
Switch energy supplier or tariff
Compare energy suppliers' customer service
Choosing your energy tariff
Switching energy supplier or tariff if you’re renting
Switching if you owe your energy supplier money
Make a complaint
Contacting your energy supplier about a problem
Complain to the Energy Ombudsman
Problems with your energy supplier or supply
If you’ve been told your energy supply will be disconnected
What your landlord can charge you for energy
Problems getting to or topping up your prepayment meter
If you didn’t agree to switch energy supplier
Get compensation if you have a power cut
If your home is on a heat network
Your energy supplier has gone bust
Check who's taken over your energy supply
Prepare for a power cut
Disability discrimination and energy suppliers
Moving home
Find out who your gas or electricity supplier is
Moving home – dealing with your energy supply
Get your home connected to a gas or electricity supply
Claim back credit
Check if your previous energy supplier owes you money
Claim back credit from your energy supplier
Your business's energy supply
Dealing with your business energy bills
Switching your business to a new energy supplier
Dealing with your energy supply when you move business premises
Problems with your business energy supplier or broker
Get more help
Contact the consumer service for energy problems